Thursday, April 28, 2011

Update & Summer Plans :)

Hi all!

Sorry I’ve been absent for SO STINKIN’ LONG!
I wanted to get through this last headache before I made this into a regular thing…something about staring into a bright screen hurting my head…whaaa??

Ok, but first can I please start with this song by Kari Jobe? I was getting ready one day and it came on my iTunes and I just started crying. Here’s the chorus:

I believe You’re my healer
I believe You are all I need
I believe
And I believe You’re my portion
I believe You’re more than enough for me
Jesus You’re all I need

Here’s the video for the whole song, you should listen. :)
*sorry, I couldn't figure out how to post the video itself. And I just have no patience right now. Sorry!

And let me tell you, when you’re in the amount of pain I’m in (keeping in mind it’s nicknamed the suicide headache…yep. Not scary at all…) there is absolutely NOTHING I can do. Zip, zilch, zero. So I pray. And I lean and trust on God to pull me through and give me the strength to wait it out and let it pass.
God is my healer, and I am now healed. :)
Well, for the time being. There’s a great chance it’ll come back since it’s come back for the last 2 years, but who knows!

In other great news, next week is finals! Not great? Well, I think it’s great because that means that summer is coming, and I only have 2 more class sessions, 3 concerts to go to, 6 finals, 1 graduation to attend, and 1 drive home!
As I write it out it seems a tad more daunting than before, but whatever.
So what am I doing for summer you may be asking? (I know you all were!)
Well, I got my church music internship approved!!!! I am officially the Cedar Grove worship intern!! And it’s legit. It is official-official. Just ask Tom. :)
I’m also leaving for Spirit West Coast in 92 days. Not that I’m counting down. Maybe it was just a fantastic guess…
AND, drum roll please……
My brother is getting married in August!!!!!!! And yes, I am singing in the wedding. Hopefully without crying. (Psh, like that will happen.)

That’s it friends, I’m trying to think of some witty remark to end this, but I’m really not coming up with anything. So I thought I would just be honest, and then end it.
The end.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Headache Update

Hey peeps,

I wanted to write something to explain what’s been going on with my headaches.
Let me pause and say that I am going to be 100% honest and open about this so…uh…watch out! Hahaha
Let me recap really quick:
I woke up Monday morning (almost 3 weeks ago) with a headache
**note** My headaches are seriously painful. I can’t begin to explain to you (although here I’m trying to, right?) but I wake up in the morning (feelin’ like P. Diddy…sorry. I couldn’t help myself!) and along with feeling severely sick to my stomach, I feel like I have an ice pick driving through my left temple and out my eye. It gets so bad that it makes me want to cry, BUT crying always makes it even worse, so it’s just pointless. Although there’s always one point where I just break down and cry anyway. This time it was in chapel. Chapel was SO LOUD that I couldn’t stand, and I leaned on my friend’s shoulder and she covered my ears and hugged me while I literally sobbed into her shoulder.
Moral of the story: These headaches are the WORST things EVER.
So when I wake up with this headache, I make an appointment with the health center ASAP and I go in the next day. I made an appointment with my usual doctor but once I get there I get paired up with a new doctor, which was actually a blessing. She gave a new perspective on the headache, gave me a few new prescriptions, and told me to come back in a few days and to make an appointment with Dr. Emerson, the head doctor of the health center.
Well, a few days later I make the appointment and since the headache has not gotten any better, he prescribes me Vicodin.
The weekend goes by, and there’s no real improvement, so I go BACK to Dr. Emerson. He decides to prescribe me something stronger and when that doesn’t work I go back and after a little bit of talking he decides to refer me to a neurologist.
He told me that he thinks what I have is called “cluster headaches”.
Cluster Headache: A type of severe headache that tends to recur over a period of several weeks and in which the pain is usually limited to one side of the head.
Also commonly known as the most painful type of headaches.
I looked it up (which was dumb) and mothers who have had these headaches (which are un-curable by the way) and they say that the headaches are WORSE THAN GIVING BIRTH.
I know that everyone has different pain tolerances and different levels of labor pain and everything but still!! Gah!!!
So I made an appointment with the neurologist for Friday (yesterday).
For the sake of being honest, I was in full-fledged panic mode from that point till my appointment. I know if something was seriously wrong there would be some kind of permanent damage, but at this point, any kind of logical thinking was just not going to happen.
After what felt like months, I made it to my appointment, and after telling the doctor about my past headaches and symptoms, he agreed that I really do have cluster headaches.
I have another appointment with him in a week to talk about things that might be causing the headaches and ways to prevent them next time. He told me that he doesn’t know what this might look like, but he’d take time to look over some things and hopefully have some ideas.
So, that’s pretty much it. I’m in massive amounts of pain with a smile on my face, because really, what else am I going to do?
Prayers are completely appreciated, and I will make sure to write again after my next appointment (a week from this Monday).

Oh, last story. It’s good, I promise! :)
The day I was told to make an appointment with the neurologist I went to my last class early to make up a test, but it was empty. So I sat down and waited (trying not to freak out again) and I look up at the white board and it said this:
“God is our strength and refuge. A present help in times of trouble.”
Psalms 46.1