This is the story of a woman.
More specifically, a 22 year old woman whose name may or may not be Alicia.
Probably not though. :)
But for the sake of the story we will call her Alicia. Just so you won't get confused.
Alicia's big brother got married. And it was a beautiful wedding full of tears, laughter, music, music being blown away while Alicia is playing piano and singing but she pulls it off effortlessly (Boom!), and happy memories being shared and made.
Because of the wedding Alicia's family from Texas flew out and were staying with her aunt and uncle in Auburn.
Since Alicia's parents don't get to see their family from Texas very often her mother went to visit them shortly after the wedding.
And a few days after Alicia's father went as well.
Friday afternoon Alicia's father left to go to work and left to Auburn immediately after, and as it was Friday, Alicia had no work.
Alicia had the house to herself.
Correction: Alicia had the house to herself all weekend.
Another Correction: Alicia was by herself all weekend.
Alicia gets weird when she's by herself for too long. Throw in her cat and she's just downright crazy.
Alicia kept it together though, for the most part.
Friday: She decided to clean. Alicia enjoys cleaning (to a degree, and depending on what it is.) and organizing. She set to work on cleaning her room since she would be leaving to college in a week and a half.
But this wasn't just cleaning and organizing. This was throwing out junk, going through closet and getting rid of clothes that she doesn't wear anymore, dusting, and oh yes, vacuuming!
It was serious business.
In the middle of her cleaning party, Alicia found a picture. But not just any picture. It wasn't a 4'6”, but it was a nice large framed picture.
Of her ex-boyfriend.
Of her ex-boyfriend whom she dated for 2 ½ years.
Of her ex-boyfriend whom she dated for 2 ½ years that she hasn't seen since Thanksgiving break.
Of her ex-boyfriend whom she dated for 2 ½ years that she hasn't seen since Thanksgiving break and who just recently got a girlfriend.
So...awesome, right??
So Alicia girded her loins (Job, anyone?) and texted him to tell him she had his picture and he should come get it at some point. He texts her back saying he can do that when he gets off work.
Alicia continues cleaning.
Alicia showers. Alicia gets dressed, and her ex-boyfriend shows up.
Alicia's ex-boyfriend is very nice and polite and looks nice in his suit from work. They talk for a bit catching up in the most normal way possible. Then Alicia's ex-boyfriend has to leave.
Alicia walks back into her room and sees herself in the mirror: wet hair, no make up, pajama pants, a tank top and slippers.
How attractive is that?
Then she realized that she doesn't care.
Sure, Alicia still loves her ex-boyfriend, but she isn't IN love with him anymore.
Alicia smiles, wishes her ex-boyfriend luck on his future endeavors (in her head of course. She's all alone, remember?), and continues cleaning.
Saturday: Alicia wakes up and goes to a meeting at church. She has plans to go get lunch and see a movie with one of her high schoolers, when during the meeting she finds out her high schooler was called into work so they had to reschedule.
Alicia grabs lunch and goes home. To clean. Again.
Alicia also realizes that she's home all alone...and she can be as loud as she wants to.
So OBVIOUSLY she cranks up her music and sings and dances around like any other normal person would do while home by themselves.
Eventually Alicia stops and realizes that she's hungry. She wants quiche.
So Alicia makes homemade quiche.
Alicia's pretty darn excellent, thank you very much.
Unfortunately while the quiche is baking Alicia begins to miss her best friend whom we'll call Andrea.
Andrea went back to school in, let's say Chicago.
Alicia eats a piece of quiche and realizes she is BORED and is feeling cooped up and wants to go do something but it's a Saturday night, I'm a broke college student, and there's no one my age in town. So she stays in and watches a movie and does laundry.
She's really hip.
Sunday: Alicia wakes up feeling nauseous. But this happens once in awhile, so she continues to get ready and makes her way to church.
Side Note: When Alicia isn't feeling well she tends to compensate in getting ready. The end result of getting ready Sunday morning was with Alicia curling her hair, longer than 5 minutes doing her make up, wearing a dress, and wearing 4 inch heels.
Alicia gets to church and gets through the worship practice. Alicia gets through the first 4 songs (that she is leading vocally, by the way), gets through the special song, gets off stage, goes into the bathroom and **if you get sick from hearing how other people get sick, do not, I repeat DO NOT continue reading this sentence! She throws up.
But she doesn't feel better. So she goes into her boss' office and lays down on the couch, then goes back onstage for the last song.
Then Alicia decided she needs to go home. Except she's singing lead on the first four songs and she's singing harmony on the special song that morning. So she decides she can push through at least the first five songs.
And by that, I mean Alicia knew that God could keep the contents of her stomach down long enough to get through the first five songs.
And you know what, He did.
And this is the part of the story where I have to share something with you. It's me. I am that girl.
I know it's a shocker. But I want to share what I learned onstage.
I felt bad because I was supposed to be leading worship. I felt that I wasn't leading worship, but worshiping and “inviting” others to worship with me.
Does that make sense?
I was doing nothing but singing and worshipping. I didn't do any of my transitions, and I barely got out the “Stand with us” at the end of the first service.
I was weak.
And the songs that we sang were: God of this City, Love the Lord, Everlasting God, and Lead me to the Cross.
God of this City:
“You're the strength in the weakness”
“There is no one like You, God.”
Love the Lord:
“I will serve You, Lord with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my mind, and with all my STRENGTH.”
Everlasting God:
“Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord.”
“You lift us up on wings like eagles.”
Lead me to the Cross:
“You were as I, tempted and tried, human.”
“Lead me to the cross, where Your love poured out. Bring me to my knees, Lord I lay me down. Rid me of myself, I belong to You. Lead me, lead me to the cross.”
God knows our human strength – weakness, rather. He sent His son to earth in human form, so He knows firsthand.
In my time(s) of struggle and weakness, God gave me the strength that I needed to do what I wanted to do, and what He wanted me to do as well.
“I will serve You, Lord with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my mind, and with all my STRENGTH”
With all my God-given strength. Because I did not do it on my own.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
That pretty much sums up Spirit West Coast this year. In the best way possible of course. :)
It would take ages for me to write about what happened this year, so to sum everything up, I'm going to give you:
10. Dedication Service
Every Tuesday night we have a dedication service to recognize who we are doing all this for. It's a great time for us to come together after working for so long and just worship. This year I was asked to lead worship with a friend of mine who I've known since year one. It was a short and simple set, and it was great. After the music a few people who have been around for every festival gave their testimonies and how they cam eto work with SWC. It was a fun night. :)
9. Run Ins with The Afters and Newsboys
I always have some sort of ridiculous encounter with an artist or two, and this year was no different. The first night the Newsboys were playing. Every year they go out to eat at a seafood restaurant. So why would they get dinner from me? They wouldn't. Except I had the pasta that night.
THE pasta
So obviously, Michael Tait came to get a little bit of pasta. But of course Jeff Frankenstein (the keyboardist) starts telling Michael to NOT eat the pasta. It's bad for you. I poisoned it.
What the heck??
So after Michael leaves, Jeff is still teasing me and I'm thinking, "Is this for real? Please Lord, let him be joking..."
He was very convincing.
And I'm THAT gullible.
A few minutes later he came over to me and told me, "You know I'm joking!" and we pounded fists.
So that was that.
The Afters and I had a random run in a few years ago. Just ask Andrea. It involves onions.
This year, the band came up to me during dinner and asks, "What IS tri tip?"
...I have no stinkin' clue!
I laugh and say, "That is a GREAT question!...cow?"
They then proceed to make fun of me for serving something that I don't know what it is, so I tease them for not knowing either!
Why do I always have these run ins with artists? :)
8. Tent Time
I shared a tent with a total of three people: Annie, Jessica, and Andrea. Andrea only stayed for one night, and in the course of that night I came in while she was sleeping already and proceeded to fall asleep on TOP of her (sorry A!) and Annie stayed with me one night and then went to her comfortable cot (I totally don't blame her), and Jessica stayed with me for four nights. And it was fun with each and every one of these girls.
I also tented next to two boys that I got a chance to get to know. They came with Kurt, and it was Kurt who came up to me during dinner to tell me I was sleeping next to the boys. He told me how great they are, what they're like, and a few random things about them, then he tells me that they are 16 and 17.
He then asked me how old I am, and when he hears, "22" he says, "Oh. The older woman." Well never mind!"
The boys were great, and it was fun making new friends. :)
7. Relationship Advice
This is Spirit West Coast. There is bound to be some kind of drama. Every year Chris always gives me great advice and keeps my head on straight. This year I had not only Chris giving me relationship advice, but I had Neil giving me his opinion as well.
Basically, I love them. I think they are amazing.
The End.
6. Psych
Has anyone seen the TV show Psych? If you haven't, then you should. It's quite excellent. And you'll have no idea what I'm talking about for the rest of this.
At SWC I have 3 great guy friends, and I've realized we have a lot in common with the four leads from Psych.
Shawn: This is so clearly and obviously Chris. Hands down. They have the same sense of humor. They're both quick, ridiculous, but they can get serious when the time calls for it.
Gus: Neil. Cause Neil is black. Actually he's not, but I'd believe it if he told me that. But Neil and Chris are really close, and they have the same sense of humor and can go back and forth just like the characters.
Lassiter: Jason. For reals. Jason would like everything and everyone to go by the book, and sometimes it's easier for him to just do a job by himself. But he's also loveable. Who doesn't love Lassiter? And who doesn't love Jason? :)
Juliet: That's me! I automatically get her because...well, she's the only female. BUT, Jason and I are really close...close like partners. Eh? Get it? See what I did there? Juliet is smart, gentle, but gets her ish done when needed, and has a great relationship with each of the guys.
Oh, but the whole thing between Juliet and Shawn...that's non-existant. We do not speak of this.
I love my boys. :)
5. Pride and Prejudice
If anyone knows me, you know that Pride and Prejudice is by far my favorite movie.
This year we decided to have a movie night at Chris' house, and while we called to check that it was ok, we found out his wife Aimee was just starting it! (Side Note: It was the new shorter one. Not as good, but still. Better than nothing!) So we hurried over and watched the movie and the boys got to shower which everyone was thankful for. :)
It was nice being in a house and not freezing out butts off.
It was also hilarious to watch Chris and Aimee quote the entire movie. :)
4. Car Ride With Chris
Wednesday night I went with the boys to Jason's house for dinner and to pick up Jessica to go on a date with her! :) So Chris and I drove my car and it was a great chance to just talk and hang out. I only get to see these people for a week or so once a year, so I cherish every minute I get to hang out with them.
My favorite part of the car ride?
There was a NATURAL pause in the conversation, and Chris goes, "Is this an awkward pause??"
...."Well NOW it is!!"
Chris, c'mon. LOL
3. Talk with Jason
Jason is a really good friend, and this year we got to hang out and talk for four hours one night.
We hadn't talked since the end of May so there was a lot to catch up on.
We needed this talk. It had been too long and it was nice to reconnect.
Love you Jason! In the most non-awkward way possible. ...ok, that's probably not true but you know what I mean. :)
2. Saturday Night
One of my favorite things of the festival is staying up Saturday night to cook a fourth meal for the IT, Electrical, and Construction guys. And by "cook" I mean "reheat".
After the last concert the guys start tearing down and around 2am they break and go to the kitchen for food.
And at 2 in the morning when they see a pretty woman with tri tip, (THE) pasta, mashed potatoes, rolls, brownies, and lemon pound cake...they love me. :)
These boys are my favorite. And I love that I can do something so simple and easy for them, and it means a lot to them.
1. The Cross
Apparently at least five years ago we built a life-size cross and set it up on the hill.
Well, I have never seen it. I didn't even know where it is. God put it on my heart to see it this year, and after the worship service Sunday morning (the day I was leaving) Jason took me to go see the cross.
It was amazing. I really needed it, and I really needed it then. I was upset and emotional because it was the last day and I had to go home and immediately go into wedding mode, so it was good to remember why I came and who I did everything for.
It was a great year, and I can't wait to go back and do it all over again. :)
It would take ages for me to write about what happened this year, so to sum everything up, I'm going to give you:
10. Dedication Service
Every Tuesday night we have a dedication service to recognize who we are doing all this for. It's a great time for us to come together after working for so long and just worship. This year I was asked to lead worship with a friend of mine who I've known since year one. It was a short and simple set, and it was great. After the music a few people who have been around for every festival gave their testimonies and how they cam eto work with SWC. It was a fun night. :)
9. Run Ins with The Afters and Newsboys
I always have some sort of ridiculous encounter with an artist or two, and this year was no different. The first night the Newsboys were playing. Every year they go out to eat at a seafood restaurant. So why would they get dinner from me? They wouldn't. Except I had the pasta that night.
THE pasta
So obviously, Michael Tait came to get a little bit of pasta. But of course Jeff Frankenstein (the keyboardist) starts telling Michael to NOT eat the pasta. It's bad for you. I poisoned it.
What the heck??
So after Michael leaves, Jeff is still teasing me and I'm thinking, "Is this for real? Please Lord, let him be joking..."
He was very convincing.
And I'm THAT gullible.
A few minutes later he came over to me and told me, "You know I'm joking!" and we pounded fists.
So that was that.
The Afters and I had a random run in a few years ago. Just ask Andrea. It involves onions.
This year, the band came up to me during dinner and asks, "What IS tri tip?"
...I have no stinkin' clue!
I laugh and say, "That is a GREAT question!...cow?"
They then proceed to make fun of me for serving something that I don't know what it is, so I tease them for not knowing either!
Why do I always have these run ins with artists? :)
8. Tent Time
I shared a tent with a total of three people: Annie, Jessica, and Andrea. Andrea only stayed for one night, and in the course of that night I came in while she was sleeping already and proceeded to fall asleep on TOP of her (sorry A!) and Annie stayed with me one night and then went to her comfortable cot (I totally don't blame her), and Jessica stayed with me for four nights. And it was fun with each and every one of these girls.
I also tented next to two boys that I got a chance to get to know. They came with Kurt, and it was Kurt who came up to me during dinner to tell me I was sleeping next to the boys. He told me how great they are, what they're like, and a few random things about them, then he tells me that they are 16 and 17.
He then asked me how old I am, and when he hears, "22" he says, "Oh. The older woman." Well never mind!"
The boys were great, and it was fun making new friends. :)
7. Relationship Advice
This is Spirit West Coast. There is bound to be some kind of drama. Every year Chris always gives me great advice and keeps my head on straight. This year I had not only Chris giving me relationship advice, but I had Neil giving me his opinion as well.
Basically, I love them. I think they are amazing.
The End.
6. Psych
Has anyone seen the TV show Psych? If you haven't, then you should. It's quite excellent. And you'll have no idea what I'm talking about for the rest of this.
At SWC I have 3 great guy friends, and I've realized we have a lot in common with the four leads from Psych.
Shawn: This is so clearly and obviously Chris. Hands down. They have the same sense of humor. They're both quick, ridiculous, but they can get serious when the time calls for it.
Gus: Neil. Cause Neil is black. Actually he's not, but I'd believe it if he told me that. But Neil and Chris are really close, and they have the same sense of humor and can go back and forth just like the characters.
Lassiter: Jason. For reals. Jason would like everything and everyone to go by the book, and sometimes it's easier for him to just do a job by himself. But he's also loveable. Who doesn't love Lassiter? And who doesn't love Jason? :)
Juliet: That's me! I automatically get her because...well, she's the only female. BUT, Jason and I are really close...close like partners. Eh? Get it? See what I did there? Juliet is smart, gentle, but gets her ish done when needed, and has a great relationship with each of the guys.
Oh, but the whole thing between Juliet and Shawn...that's non-existant. We do not speak of this.
I love my boys. :)
5. Pride and Prejudice
If anyone knows me, you know that Pride and Prejudice is by far my favorite movie.
This year we decided to have a movie night at Chris' house, and while we called to check that it was ok, we found out his wife Aimee was just starting it! (Side Note: It was the new shorter one. Not as good, but still. Better than nothing!) So we hurried over and watched the movie and the boys got to shower which everyone was thankful for. :)
It was nice being in a house and not freezing out butts off.
It was also hilarious to watch Chris and Aimee quote the entire movie. :)
4. Car Ride With Chris
Wednesday night I went with the boys to Jason's house for dinner and to pick up Jessica to go on a date with her! :) So Chris and I drove my car and it was a great chance to just talk and hang out. I only get to see these people for a week or so once a year, so I cherish every minute I get to hang out with them.
My favorite part of the car ride?
There was a NATURAL pause in the conversation, and Chris goes, "Is this an awkward pause??"
...."Well NOW it is!!"
Chris, c'mon. LOL
3. Talk with Jason
Jason is a really good friend, and this year we got to hang out and talk for four hours one night.
We hadn't talked since the end of May so there was a lot to catch up on.
We needed this talk. It had been too long and it was nice to reconnect.
Love you Jason! In the most non-awkward way possible. ...ok, that's probably not true but you know what I mean. :)
2. Saturday Night
One of my favorite things of the festival is staying up Saturday night to cook a fourth meal for the IT, Electrical, and Construction guys. And by "cook" I mean "reheat".
After the last concert the guys start tearing down and around 2am they break and go to the kitchen for food.
And at 2 in the morning when they see a pretty woman with tri tip, (THE) pasta, mashed potatoes, rolls, brownies, and lemon pound cake...they love me. :)
These boys are my favorite. And I love that I can do something so simple and easy for them, and it means a lot to them.
1. The Cross
Apparently at least five years ago we built a life-size cross and set it up on the hill.
Well, I have never seen it. I didn't even know where it is. God put it on my heart to see it this year, and after the worship service Sunday morning (the day I was leaving) Jason took me to go see the cross.
It was amazing. I really needed it, and I really needed it then. I was upset and emotional because it was the last day and I had to go home and immediately go into wedding mode, so it was good to remember why I came and who I did everything for.
It was a great year, and I can't wait to go back and do it all over again. :)
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