....this one was hard BUT I decided to pick just ONE!
Aren't you guys soooo proud?? :)
Here it is folks!

So if you know me...at all, you really won't be surprised. This was (still is obviously) my favorite Disney princess movie. I still love these kind of movies, but that's just the girlie-girl inside of me!
Side Note: My roommate can attest to my love of this movie: 22nd birthday: wake up, put on Sleeping Beauty crown, grab breakfast, watch "Sleeping Beauty".
You're all jealous, I know.
So there it is. It's my favorite. It's heart warming, suspenseful, there's a princess and a prince, they fall in love just by dancing in the forest, they sing together, she's put under an evil spell, he's captured, breaks out, kills a dragon (a dragon who has summoned "all the powers of hell!" thank you very much!!), and kisses her, and they live happily ever after.
It's just my favorite! :)
While I'm here, let me announce I AM GRADUATING IN MAY OF 2012! I have worked out the classes, and between taking a few classes over the summer and whatnot, I have it all ready!
Let me tell you, it was getting close AND I have been somewhat freaking out (!!!) for the last week or two.
But now Alicia is happy.
Alicia is also happy that her prescription is working!
I can't remember if I mentioned but I was diagnosed with "cluster headaches" possibly the worst kind of headache (awesome, right? How lucky am I??), and was then given a more 'fitting' prescription, and it seems to be working.
I'm going to the health center tomorrow for a follow up appointment, and I should be getting a prescription to take everyday to prevent me from getting these lovely headaches ever again!
Can I get an amen??
Alrighty friends. Now that you're all caught up, I am going to go study me some music education, church history, 1 & 2 Samuel, math, some songs memorized, then it's off to bed for me!
Or possibly more procrastination.
And let's get real, there's definitely going to be SOME procrastination.
Sorry Mom.
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