“The capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.”
What did you guys think when you saw the word Patience?
When I think of it I see myself sitting tapping my foot waiting for...well, something. And I don't even know WHAT, but regardless of that, it's entirely too frustrating.
I have had to use a great amount of patience lately, and for some reason I feel I have come up short tonight.
“Yet those who wait for the LORD will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will run and not become weary.”
Isaiah 40.31
I see what it's saying, but it doesn't make it much easier. BUT I guess it means that God has important things to show me and teach me this summer. And I guess that's all I can lean and hold on to.
...but that doesn't mean I have to smile while doing it...
Does it?
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
Spiritual Attacks
Some days I feel like I'm being spiritually attacked. And I really hate that. Duh.
When I feel like I'm being spiritually attacked, I tend to...
Lose any sense of hope and confidence in myself.
Want to cry.
Want to sleep.
Can't sleep.
Want to be alone.
NOT want to read my bible.
Somebody once said that when you don't want to read your bible, is probably the time when you should the most.
I think he's right.
Psalm 44:6-8
I do not trust in my bow, my sword does not bring me victory; but You give us victory over our enemies, You put our adversaries to shame. In God we make our boast all day long, and we will praise Your name forever.
I've also come to realize when I'm being spiritually attacked that there is a reason. Satan's not down there in the fiery pits of hell saying, “Hey look, there's Alicia! She's got nothing special coming up anytime soon...let's get her!”
No. I imagine it more like, “Hey look, there's Alicia! She's got a lot going for her and has huge things coming up...let's get her!”
It's really frustrating. But in the end, I decided to take it as a compliment. If I'm that much of a threat, then I must be doing something right.
Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
So take THAT Satan.
When I feel like I'm being spiritually attacked, I tend to...
Lose any sense of hope and confidence in myself.
Want to cry.
Want to sleep.
Can't sleep.
Want to be alone.
NOT want to read my bible.
Somebody once said that when you don't want to read your bible, is probably the time when you should the most.
I think he's right.
Psalm 44:6-8
I do not trust in my bow, my sword does not bring me victory; but You give us victory over our enemies, You put our adversaries to shame. In God we make our boast all day long, and we will praise Your name forever.
I've also come to realize when I'm being spiritually attacked that there is a reason. Satan's not down there in the fiery pits of hell saying, “Hey look, there's Alicia! She's got nothing special coming up anytime soon...let's get her!”
No. I imagine it more like, “Hey look, there's Alicia! She's got a lot going for her and has huge things coming up...let's get her!”
It's really frustrating. But in the end, I decided to take it as a compliment. If I'm that much of a threat, then I must be doing something right.
Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
So take THAT Satan.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Day Fourteen
So I figured I'll be super cool and tell you all, "May the 4th be with you."
There. There's my geekness for the day.
Except I'm also watching Lord of the Rings. And it makes me super happy.
I remember when I went to go see it for the first time in the movie theaters. My brother invited me to go with him and a few of his friends (I was in junior high and he was super cool and in high school. This was SUCH an honor, let me tell YOU!).
So we show up, and there were 9 of us, just like the 9 of the fellowship of the ring...funny how these things happen, right? :)
So after the movie we decided to each be a character. Tatiana and I were the youngest ones, so clearly we had to be hobbits, LOL. Tatiana was Sam, and I was Frodo! I was thrilled because I think Elijah Wood is extremely attractive, so I figured if I ever get the chance to meet him, I have an awesome opening statement. Ha!
My brother ended up being Boromir which is a downer because...you know, he tried stealing the ring from "me" and ended up dying, but at least he died epically.
So, speaking of my brother:
Day Fourteen: a photo of one of your favorite family members:

hahaha, oh camp... :)
I absolutely love my brother. He is such an amazing person, and I feel so lucky to be able to call him my brother. He is strong, he is smart, he is funny, and he lives in New York. So, that's pretty cool...except I get super awesome texts about this or that show he just saw. Not cool. But he is trying to get me to move out there after I graduate. And let me tell you...it's getting in my head!
Oh, and he's getting married in August. So he's giving me a big sister. And I absolutely love Michelle, so that's kind of awesome too.
Moral of the story: my brother is awesome and I love him. :)
There. There's my geekness for the day.
Except I'm also watching Lord of the Rings. And it makes me super happy.
I remember when I went to go see it for the first time in the movie theaters. My brother invited me to go with him and a few of his friends (I was in junior high and he was super cool and in high school. This was SUCH an honor, let me tell YOU!).
So we show up, and there were 9 of us, just like the 9 of the fellowship of the ring...funny how these things happen, right? :)
So after the movie we decided to each be a character. Tatiana and I were the youngest ones, so clearly we had to be hobbits, LOL. Tatiana was Sam, and I was Frodo! I was thrilled because I think Elijah Wood is extremely attractive, so I figured if I ever get the chance to meet him, I have an awesome opening statement. Ha!
My brother ended up being Boromir which is a downer because...you know, he tried stealing the ring from "me" and ended up dying, but at least he died epically.
So, speaking of my brother:
Day Fourteen: a photo of one of your favorite family members:

hahaha, oh camp... :)
I absolutely love my brother. He is such an amazing person, and I feel so lucky to be able to call him my brother. He is strong, he is smart, he is funny, and he lives in New York. So, that's pretty cool...except I get super awesome texts about this or that show he just saw. Not cool. But he is trying to get me to move out there after I graduate. And let me tell you...it's getting in my head!
Oh, and he's getting married in August. So he's giving me a big sister. And I absolutely love Michelle, so that's kind of awesome too.
Moral of the story: my brother is awesome and I love him. :)
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Remember when...
Andrea and I got locked out of our tent at 3am?
Stuff like that just WOULD happen to us.
Saturday night after the last concert at Spirit West Coast last year I told my mom that I would stay up late and help reheat food for the guys on the Electrical and IT teams, (some of the best men I have ever met. Fill-in Dads, uncles, brothers all of them) always stay up late doing tear down work and around 2 or 3 they come to the kitchen for a late night snack. My mom typically leaves out sandwiches or things like that for the guys to grab and eat. However this year not only did we have that but I reheated leftover pasta and....well I don't really remember what else. What I DO remember were the bugged out eyes of the men when they say I was "making" them something. It was quite hilarious. :)
Anyway, after everyone had eaten, Andrea and I cleaned up the kitchen and went back to the tent.
We get back to the tent, and I reach down to unzip the tent...and it won't unzip.
Andrea tries, and it still won't unzip.
It's 3am people! Therefore it is just the funniest thing to happen! Ever.
It is so funny, that Andrea takes a step back, pulls out her phone, and tweets about this adventure! LOL
I in response sit down right outside out tent and laugh until I can compose myself.(And yes, there might have been some pig snorts...) then grab the tent and the zipper and manage to open that sucker up!! It was an early Christmas miracle!
It was quite the adventure. As all things are at 3 in the morning.
Whoever said nothing good comes after midnight clearly hasn't hung out with Andrea and I after midnight...
The End.
Stuff like that just WOULD happen to us.
Saturday night after the last concert at Spirit West Coast last year I told my mom that I would stay up late and help reheat food for the guys on the Electrical and IT teams, (some of the best men I have ever met. Fill-in Dads, uncles, brothers all of them) always stay up late doing tear down work and around 2 or 3 they come to the kitchen for a late night snack. My mom typically leaves out sandwiches or things like that for the guys to grab and eat. However this year not only did we have that but I reheated leftover pasta and....well I don't really remember what else. What I DO remember were the bugged out eyes of the men when they say I was "making" them something. It was quite hilarious. :)
Anyway, after everyone had eaten, Andrea and I cleaned up the kitchen and went back to the tent.
We get back to the tent, and I reach down to unzip the tent...and it won't unzip.
Andrea tries, and it still won't unzip.
It's 3am people! Therefore it is just the funniest thing to happen! Ever.
It is so funny, that Andrea takes a step back, pulls out her phone, and tweets about this adventure! LOL
I in response sit down right outside out tent and laugh until I can compose myself.(And yes, there might have been some pig snorts...) then grab the tent and the zipper and manage to open that sucker up!! It was an early Christmas miracle!
It was quite the adventure. As all things are at 3 in the morning.
Whoever said nothing good comes after midnight clearly hasn't hung out with Andrea and I after midnight...
The End.

Day Thirteen
Day Thirteen: A photo of your best friends:
1. Jen!
Jen is my roomie...but only for a few more days. :(
I love her sooo so much, and I know that if I ever need her, all I have to do is call. She is beautiful, and simply amazing. :)
This picture is from last Friday night. We went on a hot date to the Man Choir concert. I had the best looking date. Ever. :)

2. Tatiana
I have known Tatsy since...what, 5th grade? We've been there for each other through thick and thin, and now she's graduating, and she already has a job waiting for her this summer! She's growing up!! So, so proud! :)
This picture was from...I think junior year of high school. Maybe sophomore year. Tatiana and I went to Granada together freshman year before she moved to LA. But she did come back for most of the formals. :)

3. Dore!
Dore and I met through Alpha freshman year, and it's been true love ever since... :)
We were roomies sophomore year and she was my hot date to a friend's wedding. ;)
Ok, we were both bridesmaids and we had a connecting flight on the way there, but we laughed the whole way there. Pretty sure everyone on that flight hated us, but too bad!! :)

4. Andrea
The list would clearly not be complete without her. And it's funny because I had to really search for a picture I haven't used yet! LOL I decided to post two. One from when we were little tykes playing in my room:

And another one taken my senior year before a formal. Andrea usually came over before a formal to help me get ready. And yes, she IS wearing a tiara. And yes, I did buy that one for her. :)

These three beautiful young women have helped mold me and shape me into the woman I'm becoming today. All three are strong women of God and I am so blessed to know them and call them my friends. :)
1. Jen!
Jen is my roomie...but only for a few more days. :(
I love her sooo so much, and I know that if I ever need her, all I have to do is call. She is beautiful, and simply amazing. :)
This picture is from last Friday night. We went on a hot date to the Man Choir concert. I had the best looking date. Ever. :)

2. Tatiana
I have known Tatsy since...what, 5th grade? We've been there for each other through thick and thin, and now she's graduating, and she already has a job waiting for her this summer! She's growing up!! So, so proud! :)
This picture was from...I think junior year of high school. Maybe sophomore year. Tatiana and I went to Granada together freshman year before she moved to LA. But she did come back for most of the formals. :)

3. Dore!
Dore and I met through Alpha freshman year, and it's been true love ever since... :)
We were roomies sophomore year and she was my hot date to a friend's wedding. ;)
Ok, we were both bridesmaids and we had a connecting flight on the way there, but we laughed the whole way there. Pretty sure everyone on that flight hated us, but too bad!! :)

4. Andrea
The list would clearly not be complete without her. And it's funny because I had to really search for a picture I haven't used yet! LOL I decided to post two. One from when we were little tykes playing in my room:

And another one taken my senior year before a formal. Andrea usually came over before a formal to help me get ready. And yes, she IS wearing a tiara. And yes, I did buy that one for her. :)

These three beautiful young women have helped mold me and shape me into the woman I'm becoming today. All three are strong women of God and I am so blessed to know them and call them my friends. :)
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Day Twelve
Hi all!!
Well since my migraine is gone I figured I'd pick up the picture thing again...it has nothing to do with my finals beginning tomorrow morning...not at all!....
.......ok yeah it totally is BUT don't judge me. :)
Day Twelve: A photo of me
...haven't I done this one already? Oh well.

Story: Alicia goes to shower at Spirit West Coast. Alicia comes back to her tent from the shower to get ready and goes to check her phone to see what time it is when it has the white screen of death.
Dun, dun, duuuunnn!!!!
So Alicia immediately run out to the boys who coincidentally all have blackberrys and they try a few things to fix it, and it is just un-fixable. SO Alicia looks up where the closest Sprint store is, Alicia's mom gives Andrea and Alicia a map, and they set off!
For two young women who get lost so easily and have absolutely NO sense of direction, they arrived in great time and never get lost once!!
Unfortunately the Sprint store could do something about Alicia's phone, so the girls go to the Starbucks nearby and drive back to the festival.
And Alicia has no phone for the rest of the week.
The End.
I feel like I need to emphasize that with phones and GPS nagivation Andrea and I get lost all the time. With a map, an old school map, we get there with no problems. Hence the picture centered around the map.
Well since my migraine is gone I figured I'd pick up the picture thing again...it has nothing to do with my finals beginning tomorrow morning...not at all!....
.......ok yeah it totally is BUT don't judge me. :)
Day Twelve: A photo of me
...haven't I done this one already? Oh well.

Story: Alicia goes to shower at Spirit West Coast. Alicia comes back to her tent from the shower to get ready and goes to check her phone to see what time it is when it has the white screen of death.
Dun, dun, duuuunnn!!!!
So Alicia immediately run out to the boys who coincidentally all have blackberrys and they try a few things to fix it, and it is just un-fixable. SO Alicia looks up where the closest Sprint store is, Alicia's mom gives Andrea and Alicia a map, and they set off!
For two young women who get lost so easily and have absolutely NO sense of direction, they arrived in great time and never get lost once!!
Unfortunately the Sprint store could do something about Alicia's phone, so the girls go to the Starbucks nearby and drive back to the festival.
And Alicia has no phone for the rest of the week.
The End.
I feel like I need to emphasize that with phones and GPS nagivation Andrea and I get lost all the time. With a map, an old school map, we get there with no problems. Hence the picture centered around the map.
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