There. There's my geekness for the day.
Except I'm also watching Lord of the Rings. And it makes me super happy.
I remember when I went to go see it for the first time in the movie theaters. My brother invited me to go with him and a few of his friends (I was in junior high and he was super cool and in high school. This was SUCH an honor, let me tell YOU!).
So we show up, and there were 9 of us, just like the 9 of the fellowship of the ring...funny how these things happen, right? :)
So after the movie we decided to each be a character. Tatiana and I were the youngest ones, so clearly we had to be hobbits, LOL. Tatiana was Sam, and I was Frodo! I was thrilled because I think Elijah Wood is extremely attractive, so I figured if I ever get the chance to meet him, I have an awesome opening statement. Ha!
My brother ended up being Boromir which is a downer know, he tried stealing the ring from "me" and ended up dying, but at least he died epically.
So, speaking of my brother:
Day Fourteen: a photo of one of your favorite family members:

hahaha, oh camp... :)
I absolutely love my brother. He is such an amazing person, and I feel so lucky to be able to call him my brother. He is strong, he is smart, he is funny, and he lives in New York. So, that's pretty cool...except I get super awesome texts about this or that show he just saw. Not cool. But he is trying to get me to move out there after I graduate. And let me tell's getting in my head!
Oh, and he's getting married in August. So he's giving me a big sister. And I absolutely love Michelle, so that's kind of awesome too.
Moral of the story: my brother is awesome and I love him. :)
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