Sounds awesome, right? was a small little building that apparently used to be a mortuary. Ok? Do you see how strange this is already?
I went with my friend Becca and we had decided to dress up, so I curled my hair, spent more than 5 minutes on my makeup, wore my favorite pink dress, and wore my 4-inch heels. I looked good, ok?
We get to the opera, and there are only old people. Old people in sweat suits.
No big. I don't care.
And the opera begins:
Act 1: Boy goes to Girl's house to propose. Girl is so distracted talking on the phone Boy has to leave to catch his train. Girl notices Boy is missing and becomes sad. Boy calls girl from the train station and proposes over the phone, she says yes, everyone is happy!
Act II: Boy and Girl have apparently ended their engagement. Girl is living in France and has taken up a younger lovaaa, who is ending their relationship because New-Boy is getting married. Girl is very sad (cray-cray-sad...wrapping-the-phone-cord-around-her-neck-cray-cray) and talks to him saying good bye and assuring Boy that she'll be ok.
I'm pretty sure she ends up dead at the end...not quite sure. It was weird.
The point of this is that during the intermission the actor from Act I came to sit in the audience with an older lady, but right before Act II started he suggested that they change seats. So they get up, and he leads her over to me. And they sit next to Becca and I.
Ok. Random. People usually leave a buffer, and there were plenty of other seats, but...whatever.
They sit down, and Act II starts. A few minutes into it I get this weird feeling...a feeling like someone is watching me...
So I turn and see this:

I did NOT know what to do. I think I ended up smiling and looking back at the stage, but the entire time I kept using my peripheral vision and he kept looking over the rest of the opera.
I'm slightly traumatized.
The point of my story is...when going to the opera, don't be the hottest looking one there. You WILL get creeped on.
Watch out for them creepers. They'll get cha.
**The picture is from Google. I have no idea who he is.
Sorry for the potential nightmares...
I'm sorry for that there was a creepy dude there, but I laughed a lot reading this.
ReplyDeleteUm, there should be no "for" in my previous comment. Apparently I can't function without my editors.
ReplyDeleteHaha, it was totally worth it. I got a review done for two different classes AND I get this great story. It's a win-win...for the most part...