Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day O Thanks

It's Thanksgiving tomorrow (and if you weren't aware of that go out and buy yourself a calendar right now) and everyone seems to be posting things that they're thankful for. For obvious reasons... :)
So I thought I'd jot down a few of my own.
I'm thankful for...

my family
my friends
my bed
a warm shower every morning
my school, education, and professors (most of them anyway)
my church, both home and school
my roof over my head
my car (!!!)
my job(s) both librarian and nanny
my kids (back home who I never get to see, but once in awhile get a text or picture from their mom saying they miss me)
my kitty!
the internet
holiday breaks
and most importantly, my Savior who gave us this life to live for Him each and everyday.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. Enjoy it with family, friends, and even strangers. (Well, I mean...stranger danger. But I know some people can't go home for the holiday so I figured some of you might be going to a friend's house where there will be strangers. Don't just go up to a random stranger and spend Thanksgiving with them. That could be dangerous.)
My point is, to have a safe, warm, scrumptious, and beautiful Thanksgiving. :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Liebe dich zuerst

"Wait for it. Wait for somebody who is perfect for you. I don't care how long you've been alone, or how easy it is to make excuses for somebody who makes you feel bad. I don't care if it's because you kind of like them, and I don't care if you think it 'could maybe work out.' Wait for somebody who is good to you. It doesn't matter if they make you giggle laugh, because if they give you that empty 'I'm not hungry' feeling in your stomach when they forget to call, they are not worth it. They are never worth your bathroom tears or your constant 'what do you think it means' barrage to your friends. You are worth it. You are stupidly cool/sometimes lame but you have a human pulse and you don't kill people and you deserve to be happy. Maybe this person will take forever, maybe it will take till next week. Who knows when they will get off their lazy butt off the couch and come find you? However, until then, don't put up with crap. Don't put up with the bad feelings. Just go do your own thing until somebody fits your puzzle piece. It'll be something for the books. Don't settle for anything less."

Here's the link I got this from (my AMAZING roomie sent it to me. :) )

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I'm a dreamer. Through and through.
When I was little I'd always be playing dress up and make believe just to "live" a dream that I had.
I was that little girl who put her stuffed animals in a line and played "teacher". I was the teenager who sang into the hairbrush as I danced around my room pretending to be a rock star.
I totally still do that. I'll be honest. I love it too. So ha!
But I also dream of changing the world. Making a difference...somehow. I've always wanted to do that. And I thought it would be by doing the whole rock star thing. I'd share my testimony, change a life, and boom!
But as I'm finishing the rest of my education I's probably not going to happen. And I'm ok with that. I know that I'm doing what God wants me to do. And how can I argue with that?
Now my dream is to be the best music teacher I can be, and to do my best in leading others in worship through music. I love both of these things. These are my dreams, and they are becoming a reality, slowly but surely.

I also have a dream of being a wife and mother. I nannied for a year when I was home and I went back and forth between wanting to me a mom. Ok, I never didn't want to, but I started questioning the whole "mom" thing! :)
But after watching them grow up in the course of a year I know I could never not have kids. I absolutely love the two that I got to watch every day, and they're not even mine. I love that Katelyn still tells her mom that she misses me, and that she loves music even more than she did when I started watching her. I almost cried when she told me she wanted to sing in "big church, cause that's what Leasha does."
I want that. I dream and crave that.
I also want to be a wife. (before the mother part. don't worry!) My favorite book of the Bible is Proverbs, specifically Proverbs 31. I studied it with my mentor over the summer and I have learned so much! That woman is who I strive to be like. She is strong, secure, dependable, beautiful, talented, worthy, respected, the list goes on and on.

I feel that the dreams I had as a little girl aren't that different than the dreams I have now. In fact, they're basically identical. Only a few minor changes.

I can't help but feel blessed that I know (and always knew) what I wanted to do when I grew up.
...speaking of which...I should probably get back to homework. You know, to learn more about what it is that I want to do with my life...

Friday, November 4, 2011

10 Things I Like

10. Twinkle lights
They're just so pretty. We have them in my apartment and I love it. It also makes it feel slightly like Christmas... :)
9. Candles
So soothing. And yummy smelling.
8. Big, shiny, pretty pianos
I'm a music major. I can't help it.
7. Making lists
I'm American. I can't help it.
6. Sweat pants
There is nothing more comfy than sweat pants. If only I didn't feel so lazy while wearing them...then I'd wear them everywhere, everyday.
5. Texting
I love texting. I'm always busy and rarely have time to have a phone conversation. So texting is always much convenient because I can respond when I finish a sentence or get done with my song. Whatever.
4. Sheet music
Review #8
3. Sleeping in
I love Sundays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. And the occasional Friday afternoon nap. There's nothing better than waking up at 7am, roll over, check the time, remember that you don't have to be up anytime soon, then roll back over, snuggle up in a big blanket and fall back asleep....*sigh*
2. Long emails with my best friend (Andrea). Duh.
Andrea and I are super busy, but we're always in constant communication. Between Facebook, Twitter, texting, and emails we always know what's going on with each other. :)
1. Care packages from home
I LOOOOVE care packages from home. My mom is awesome. I've gotten things from clothes, to Halloween flip flops, to homemade goodies! She's the best. :)