Friday, April 20, 2012

Awkward and Awesome Thursday


Picture This: a strings technique class. A fun and rowdy class of young music teacher hopefuls attempting to play a few measures of Tchaikovsky’s beautiful “Swan Lake” opera. A student raises their hand and asks a question about the position of the violin. The professor responds: “Make sure the F-hole is facing out towards the people.”
Unfortunately, the professor wasn’t clear in his articulation, and any variant of the term “F-hole” is bound to be supes. Awk. Supes, people. Supes.

Running (prancing) in front of half the choir to give someone music to borrow in the middle of the first movement of Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms.
Don’t mind me, boys! I’m just runnin’ in front of ya’ll to give this guy here some music…NOT because I want attention. Please stop looking at me and look at your music or the conductor, k thanks!

Wind + Dress + Parking Lot = …well, you can imagine.
(Side-Note-of-Awkwardness: I looked around, saw nobody and jumped for joy at my luck!...but then as I was driving away I saw two guys in the car next to mine. Awesome.)


NAILING choral pieces I haven’t heard/read at all. Looks like this schooling is paying off…or at least I can prove that I learned something. Ha, ha!!

Equally nailing violin pieces that I haven’t looked at. I mean, then I got worse, but then I got better, so that’s all still awesome, right??

The men’s section in Oratorio. Let me tell you all, I swooned. Swooned, people. Is it ok that I have a mini-crush on every male in my choir?
What’s that? Oh yes, I do not care. Cause I do. Heehee

Successfully surviving the day without passing out, falling asleep, or dying. Granted it took 2 venti iced coffees and 2 energy drinks to do it, but gosh darn it I am going to get my work done and I am going to graduate if it is THE last thing I do!!

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